はじめまして、ガーデン デザイン ショップ 庭衆です。
A note to say hi...
ニックネーム: にわしゅう日和
投稿日時: 2015/10/22 12:40

Running through Inari shrine
Hi all! I have just joined the company and would like to tell you a little bit about myself, before I begin writing blogs. :)

My name is Jasmine and I recently completed my Ph.D. in soil biogeochemistry at Newcastle University, UK. During this and my previous BSc studies in Environmental Science, I developed my passion for learning about the intricate and complex interactions of plants and animals within soil (…it’s not just brown stuff, believe it or not! -^) I have also always had a tangible interest in the Japanese culture, especially relating to their unique and beautiful gardens. Here in Tokyo, I am now marrying these two at Niwashyu.

I am very excited to learn more about all the different aspects of Japanese gardens and consider how they affect, and are affected by, the soil from which they grow. I also hope to investigate some Japanese urban agriculture projects during my stay... Perhaps I may even find an allotment to volunteer at!

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