はじめまして、ガーデン デザイン ショップ 庭衆です。
The first presentation
ニックネーム: にわしゅう日和
投稿日時: 2014/07/30 10:30

I did it!

Yesterday I finished my first presentation of a soon to be newly arranged garden.

I never did something like that before, so it was kind of challenging and I was sooo slow!
But now as I know the procedures and programs like Illustrator, I think I can make it a bit faster next time.

Most difficult to me was the selection of the perennials and small shrubs.
There are so many wonderful plants, it was hard to choose between them..

But that was also great fun and I'm looking forward to the next project and to draw more plans in the future!グッド


- Anika

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