はじめまして、ガーデン デザイン ショップ 庭衆です。
ニックネーム: にわしゅう日和
投稿日時: 2014/08/01 10:02

Yesterday I went to a seminar of two famous Australians, organized by Takasho, together with Hayano-san and Yamamoto-san.
One of them is an architekt and one a garden designer.
In Australia both have to work close together to produce gardens with a "Fifth Room".

That is the main concept of modern Australian gardens. A room without walls, that connect the garden to the house.

That aspect is very important to Australians, as they want to spent a lot of time outside the house in their gardens.

My impression was, that the australian design uses a lot of elements known in Japan but also known in Germany.

I like the idea to live in the garden. That is what I did in my parents house all the time.
I would appreciate it, if that becomes also common in Japan's big citys too.
As Japanese people uses parks as an "outdoor living room" is something I really really love, I like the idea of a balcony as the "Fifth Room".


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